FAME ROAD is in the process to esablish co-operation with other territorial projects in order to cross fertilize delivarbles and tools developed and capitalizing on common experiences set the pace for new common projects.
Here you may find the set of:

  1. Set of FAME values 
  2. The MoU between the projects 

Dear partners of EU territorial projects

We are glad to be in contact as INTERREG GREECE ITALY www.FAMEROAD.EU project, aiming at developing our territories consolidating Citizen Driven Destination Building processes via focused open dialogue of Citizens, from a host of FAME Cities.

FAME stands for Food Art Move Energy, that if are viewed from an integrated perspective, can constitute our territories a unique destination. Unless, of course Citizens are enabled to drive this porcess throw open, public, targeted dialogue.

At this stage we are interested to associate with other interregional projects (past or running) and exchange knowledge, tools and deliverables that can be used from all of us.

In addition and on the basis of the work done, we wish to explore possibilities of joining forces, towards new upcoming calls, capitalizing on common work done.

Please download the proposed FAME MoU, add your input and sent it back to signed.

At the following links you may find

1. MoU for associated projects
2. FAME Chart of Values